Saturday, December 08, 2007

optimism is so not in my blood now.
as it has been for a period of time
hmmm but heys, im not letting anything get in my way...
besides people wont really want to read emo posts right??

today is absolutely fun.
took so many photos of the lightings in orchard,
which is totally awesome.
the theme colour is blue:D:D

i really would love for anybody to ask me out
and go with me to orchard late at night.
and just watch the lightings together.
it would be so damn fun. and heart-warming.

(from here, i think it would be damn boring for some people....)
currently, im searching about the Christ.
i want to see how much it affected people's thoughts,
or just see all the profound philosophical things...
it is so amazing how the little-lest things can change a person's character.
or the soul within .
somehow it is so uplifting and wonderful a religion can actually guide you along the road.
sometimes when you don have anybody to turn to, you still have god cos you know he will always be by your side.

whenever you feel the road ahead of you seems beyond your reach or ugly,
you pray for guidance (from god, depending on your religion laa) and protection.
and even though it isnt certain whether you are getting that guidance or protection,
you somehow feel relieved that you have said your prayers.
at least you have a chance of your prayers to be answered.

im talking gibberish laa. gahgahgah(babay laughter???!!)

i have deleted the photo lerr:D:D
hope nth terrible happens to me.

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