Wednesday, January 03, 2007

skool start le worhx

haha sch start le.
most e sec 1 shorter than me=))
1st day was abit sian.
in e class nth 2 do.
but v happy c everybody:):)
everybody havent change yet
except fer e height.
haha sadly im still one of e shorties in my class:(:(
i wan 2 GROW TALLER!!
i v ka-teh
haix....gotta jump more.
kinda happy my class mentor is female de.
haha n EXTRA happy i didnt become e chairman or vice chairman.
me, nat n ricia in charge of e art club noticeboard.
haha finally art club got noticeboard:):):)
heehee. nid 2 pull more sec 1 students take up art club as cca.
most of e memebers r sec 3.
v son they will graduate then no more in JVS le.
nth on my head 2 write le.
so end e post from here.

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